Sherman M4 - 1989

Tank tactic shooter game from 1989.
Dos box version: 


  • 1,2,3,4 - select tank to control
  • Up arrow - forward - faster than autopilot.
  • Down arrow - slow backward.
  • Left, right arrows - turn
  • Space Bar - shoot
    • space + up/down - raise/lower cannon for shoot range
      • amiga version only
  • F1 / V - cockpit view (400m) / outside view
    • F5,F6,F7,F8 look around in outside view
  • F2 / J - binoculars (500m) / outside view
    • you can shoot in binoculars view
  • F3 - team tanks status
  • F4 or M - show map
    • up, down, left, right arrows allows looking around
    • 1,2,3,4 - select tank, 5,6 select jeep
      • use arrows to set target position
      • confirm with space
      • selected vehicle will autopilot, to desired location
      • you can enter tank on autopilot as a passenger
      • or take control by pressing arrows
      • if you leave, tank would continue to its desired location
      • select location close to tank to stop autopilot
  • F9 - radio from cockpit
    • Artillery - switch to map
      • use arrows to set target position
        • max range is 800m from you 
      • confirm with space
      • Artillery will blast large area around
    • Vehicles - map (F4 / M)
  • F10 / P - pause game


Normandy Campaign

  1. Mission #1
    • Tiger is approaching your main base from the south.
    • Destroy bunkers on lines 13 and 12.
    • Capture flags at G12, C12.
    • Destroy tank at base at E11 and move all your tanks there.
    • Capture E12
  2. Mission #2
    • If your tanks are not at E11, quickly order them to move there.
    • Enemies are attacking E11: Stug from oW, Tiger from S, Panzer from SE.
    • Leave two tanks at E11
    • Capture base at B9
      • Jeeps can be used to scout for enemies, but would die
  3. Mission #3
    • If your tanks are not at E11, quickly order them there
    • 2 Enemy ranks are attacking E11 from SE-S
    • Do not shoot enemies near bridge, you will hit bridge
      • If you destroy both bridges, you can not cross the river and you have to restart.
    • Capture village at F7, flag and repair depot is East from village
  4. Mission #4
    • One Panzer will attack you from SW
    • Destroy Battery at B3
  5. Mission #5
    • 2 Panzers will attack from S separately.
    • Capture village at F1

Ardennes Campaign

  1. Mission #1
    • 4 Jagdpanzers, 4 Tigers, 4 Jagdpanzers attack G12 from south very early
    • Retreat to camp at c14 to end mission
  2. Mission #2
    • 12 tanks from prev mission would head to C14. They will struck river corner at D13
    • One Stug targets C14 from south thru line B
    • 4 Shermans at F9 are all enemies. You can destroy from other side of river at east. 
    • Capture F9 to finish mission. 
  3. Mission #3
    • 8 enemy tanks are attacking F9 base
    • 12 tanks from mission #1 would target you. They will not cross the river and just patrol near it. 
    • Cross and destroy bridge at B3
  4. Mission #4
    • One Stug would attack from north
    • Two others from East moving next to the river.
    • 12 tank band from mission #1 is also targeting you. They are far but would eventually reach you. 
    • Destroy line 1 bunkers and capture flag at D1 to finish.
  5. Mission #5
    1. Bunkers around starts shooting you from the begging, quickly shoot them back.
    2. 2 Jagdpanzers attack you from village at F5.
    3. 12 Tank band from start is repaired again and will attack you from north.
    4. Capture Village at F5 to finish campaign.

Desert Campaign

  1. Mission #1
    • Your tanks starts with only half fuel.
    • 2 Panzers attack you from the north on the F line.
    • 1 more comes from West by line 1.
    • There are 6 Panzers going south by line B to C5. It is best to destroy them before they reach C5.
      • Send tank1 far to A0.
      • Rush against initial attackers and destroy them.
      • Take manual drive of tank1 and stop autopilot - manual is faster. 
      • Attack bunker at A4 and rush against the convoy.
      • You should capture them at C6. 
    • If you play campaign, refuel all tanks at C5.
    • Destroy fuel depot at C5 to win map.
  2. Mission #2
    • Quickly destroy bunkers rebuilt around your start at C5. Also Destroy 3 wandering Stugs,
    • Target is to destroy 6 Panzers coming at you by line B.
    • Do not destroy fuel depot again. It does nothing.
  3. Mission #3
    • Quickly shot around as in previous mission.
    • Target is 6 tank convoy coming from south by line F.
    • Intercept where ever you want at F5 is closest.
  4. Mission #4
    • 2 Jagdpanzers comes from NW, and then two Panzers more.
    • Refuel at Refuel at Sidi-El-Rahman F10, and destroy fuel depot.
  5. Mission #5
    • You are attacked from the very beginning by 
      • 2 tanks from SSW (16-wind compass). Destroy bunkers and rush against them.
      • 2 tanks from W
      • 6 tanks from NW
      • 3 tanks from N and NNW. Set up your 3 remaining tanks to defend from the north.
    • Objective is to capture flag at bunker at B15.

Victory you have won all missions. Sergeant Buck is proud of you.